Current Exhibitions

American Puppet Theater Today: The Photography of Richard Termine 

 The Jim Henson Foundation and the Ballard Institute presents American Puppet Theater Today: The Photography of Richard Termine as part of the 60th anniversary celebration of UConn’s Puppet Arts Program in 2025. The exhibition, including over 150 images and selected puppets featured in Termine’s photographs, including work by Torry Bend, Basil Twist, Dan Hurlin, Tarish Pipkins, Theodora Skipitares, Bread and Puppet Theater, Janie Geiser, Tom Lee, and Paul Zaloom. American Puppet Theater Today will be on display through Sunday, May 11 at the Ballard Institute. Learn more here. 

puppet display

The World of Puppetry: From The Collections of the Ballard Institute

This is a permanent exhibit from the Ballard Institute’s collection that includes puppets from all over the world to show the global scope of the artform. It moves geographically from right to left moving from Asia, to Europe, and ending with puppets from the US.

The Kinetic Life of the Puppet: Photography of Richard Termine

On display in the back hallway gallery, this exhibit highlights the work of UConn Puppet Arts alumnus Richard Termine, a Brooklyn-based photographer and puppeteer who is renowned for his performing arts photography for Sesame StreetThe New York Times, Lincoln Center, Cirque du Soleil, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, and the Jim Henson Foundation.

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