Become a Member

To become a BIMP member or to learn more information about membership benefits visit the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry or call (860)486-8580.



Students, Seniors, and Educators: $20

  • Help support free admission to the museum
  • Invitation to membership events
  • Museum newsletter and e-blasts



All of the above, plus:

  • Invitation to family/children’s programming



All of the above, plus:

  • 10% discount in museum store
  • 2 one-time-only guest passes to membership events



All of the above, plus:

  • Name recognized in newsletter
  • Advanced and discounted tickets for performances



All of the above, plus:

  • Behind-the-scenes tour and discussion with the museum director
  • Eligibility to host an event at the museum



All of the above, plus:

  • Invitation-only puppetry workshop and performance
  • Adopt-A-Puppet

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