Workshop and Performances of Migraciones / Migrations by Paradox Teatro on 8/20 and 8/21

The Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry at the University of Connecticut will present two performances of Migraciones / Migrations by Paradox Teatro on Saturday, August 20 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, August 21 at 2 p.m. In addition, Paradox Teatro will lead a puppet building and performance workshop on Saturday, Aug. 20 from 1-3 p.m. All events will take place at the Ballard Institute Theater located at 1 Royce Circle, Storrs, CT 06268.  

Migraciones / Migrations follows a photojournalist’s journey to learn the story of refugees migrating across sand, water, and shadows. The theme of migrations in the production is informed by the increasing border conflicts between the Paradox Teatro co-founders’ home countries, the United States and Mexico. This performance creates a unique layering of hybrid body puppets, sand drawings, and shadow puppetry projections to reveal each character’s search for a new home. These visual mediums are scored by live music and poetry in English and Spanish so that Migraciones / Migrations can communicate with audiences across languages and cultures. To learn more about the performances and purchase tickets, visit

Paradox Teatro will also lead a two-hour workshop to demonstrate techniques and technologies for sand drawing and shadow puppetry on light tables, as well as camera techniques for large-scale video projection in live performance. Spaces for the workshop are limited. Registration is $15/person. To reserve a spot, visit

Paradox Teatro is a multidisciplinary performing arts company founded in 2017 by Artistic Co-Directors Sofía Padilla and Davey T Steinman. They have toured performances and taught artistic residencies in Europe, United States, and Mexico.

For more information, or if you require accommodation to attend this event, please contact Ballard Institute staff at 860.486.8580 or

Paradox Teatro’s visit is funded in part by the Mexican Coinversiones Grant from the Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales, the Jim Henson Foundation, and the New England States Touring program of the New England Foundation for the Arts, made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts Regional Touring Program and the six New England state arts agencies.